Dealing With The Aftermath Of Acne: How To Reduce The Appearance Of Acne Scars


If you had acne for several years, your skin may now be clear, but you could be dealing with marks left behind from those blemishes. Unfortunately, different types of scars can appear on the skin after acne breakouts occur, including ice pick and boxcar scars. If you are feeling uncomfortable about the way you look because these scars are more noticeable now that the blemishes are no longer there, you might want to know what you can do to reduce their appearance.

20 January 2017

3 Different Ways To Use Argan Hair Oil From Morocco


Taking care of your hair is essential to have it both look and feel great for you. A great way to ensure that your hair is taken care of is to use good products on it. If you use cheap products on your hair, others are likely going to be able to tell because your hair is going to look dull and flat, and perhaps even dry and damaged. If dry and/or damaged hair is something that you are currently struggling with, then you may want to consider getting an argan hair oil from Morocco (offered by companies such as The Moroccan Elixir) to use on your hair.

14 November 2016

Want to Create Beautiful Hair Color Results? 3 Reasons Why You Should Master Foils


Artists take different approaches from one another when tackling similar projects. The same is true of hair colorists. One colorist may be more comfortable with one application technique and modify it to achieve all sorts of looks, while another colorist may take a different approach with each and every client. And, let's face it, some techniques are more difficult to master than others. Take foils, for example. Some stylists avoid them like the plague because they're not confident in their ability to use them.

20 October 2016

2 Way To Support Your Loved One Who Is Undergoing Chemotherapy


Finding out that someone you love has cancer can be a heart-wrenching experience. You want to do all you can to support them, but you may not know just what to do. Here are two ways you can support your loved one while they are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer and really make a difference in their life. 1. Prepare Healthy, Tasty Meals for Them Even if your loved one is typically a healthy eater, the physical and emotional distress of developing cancer and undergoing chemotherapy can leave them too mentally exhausted to even care about eating healthy meals.

13 October 2016

4 Things You Need To Know About Affordable Tattoo Removal


Affordable tattoo removal is on your mind—constantly. Maybe you have a not-so-nice-looking design, you've got ink on a much too conspicuous part of your body, or you have a major life event (such as your wedding) and don't want the tattoo that you got on your 18th birthday showing. Whatever the reason is, removal is a real possibility. Before making this major decision, check out the facts on tattoo removal.

13 October 2016

Two Reasons Why Now Is the Time to Dye Your Hair


If you've gone your whole life without dyeing your hair, you don't know what you could be missing out on.  Coloring your hair gives you the opportunity to try on a different hue than what you were born with, and the results can be amazing.  Instead of continuing to wonder what you would look like with a different hair color, use this information to learn more about why now is the perfect time to dye your hair.

10 October 2016

Botox In Your Armpits? Help For Excess Sweating!


You're considering getting Botox in your – where? Okay, so you know that Botox is an easy option to smooth those little lines and creases that form on your forehead. But, that's not its only use. More than 220 million people suffer from hyperhidrosis (that means excessive sweating), according to the International Hyperhidrosis Society. In some cases antiperspirants are all that it takes to keep those pits under control. But when that doesn't work, Botox is a treatment option.

29 September 2016